Original Description:
Name: Kingston Black Apple
Age: 18
Parents: Luna & Big Macintosh
Birthplace: Canterlot
Current Residence:(The remodeled and rebuilt)Castle of the Two Sisters
Species: Alicorn
Gender: Male
Siblings: One Twin sister
One older half sister
One younger sister
Special Talent: Gardening
Occupation: Prince of the moon/ part-time field hand at Sweet Apple Acres
Nicknames: King, Black Apple(only by his twin sister in recent years)
Personality: Kingston very much so takes after his parents in that he takes his responsibilities very seriously, whether they be his responsibilities as first prince of the night, those to his family, or to Sweet Apple Acres(even if his aunt Applejack has told him and Big Mac not to worry about the farm). He tries his hardest to set the best example for the ponies of Equestria he can, this sadly leads to him usually being the “fun police” when it comes to his siblings and cousins. Though they and his friends like to get back at him by using his trusting nature(A.K.A gullibleness) to play tricks on him. Kingston is without a doubt a mother’s boy and loves training with her at night in the castle garden. Where he likes to practice his specialty magic he plainly calls “Lunar photosynthesis,” it allows him to channel both his own magic and the light from the moon to grow any plant without the need of sunlight. He personally doesn’t find it all that impressive himself and thinks it’s rather boring compared to what his other siblings and mother can do so he only uses it in front of very few ponies.
He’s pretty close with his father, he really enjoys working on the farm with him the most though. This is due to the fact that this is usually when they can get some nice quiet time together in the father back parts of the apple orchard. This is mostly because granny and his Aunt AJ got tired of dozens of people always coming surrounding the farm like locus trying to get a glimpse of “ The prince of the night” and the great earth pony night who won the heart of the mare in the moon. He deeply cares for his siblings even if they do drive him mad. He’s not that close to his twin sister, at least not as close as everyone thought they would be. They get along alright in front of people(still having small fights here and there) but Kingston knows she resents him for being born first and therefore the next in line to the throne.
He loves his youngest sister and like his parents loves to spoil her. When it comes to his half sister Kingston is… indifferent about her. He doesn’t really have any strong feelings towards her. He gets that she is a product of a time before his father met his mother and doesn’t really dislike her but can’t bring himself to get close with her. Not so much from a lack of trying but more so due to the fact he gets as silent as his father when they’re alone. However he would do anything for his family and values them more than anything, be it his title or his magic.