He wants hi OC (Frost D. Tart) bound in a jester outfit by Mane-iac.
With the exception of fine details (Eye lashes, pupils, and ‘sprinkles’) most of Frosty here is colored in. Tried something new and the coloring process went quicker because of it. Used the magic wand tool to select areas and then the paint bucket tool to fill them in. After that I go in with the paint brush tool and finish painting the area with in the lineart. Before I would use the paint brush to paint along the edges of the lineart, then use the paint bucket tool after to fill in the lineart, and then use the paintbrush again to fill the areas the paint bucket can’t fill because of the soft edge of the paint brush. Using magic wand, paint bucket, then paint brush seems to be much faster. Which is good because usually photoshop coloring is usually the longest part of the artmaking process. Which especially good with this piece, since it’s been taking longer than usual to complete.