Original Description:
Originally posted on: October 27, 2013, 5:31 PM UTC
My Little Pony fashion: Rainbow Dash
Newest in the series, this one was realy difficult becouse it is so hard to make a rainbow print look non-taky 😉So I tried to make a festival look for a girl wih a original style 😁 I was drawing this with my friend Carrie in mind, she is the kind of girl that I can emagine wearing thisOthers in the series:Applejack: [](https://willemijn1991.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Pony-fashion-Applejack-408226209?ga_submit_new=10253A1382205202”willemijn1991.deviantart.com/a…”:https://willemijn1991.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Pony-fashion-Applejack-408226209?ga_submit_new=10253A1382205202)