Original Description:
Miss Cheerilee clapped her hand and called out to her students.
“Class! Class! Can I have your attention please.”
Taking a moment to remember how to do it the transformed earth pony swims up to her students who are coming together. Like her the students are wearing pendants provided by palace staff that allowed them to become sea ponies. Cheerilee takes a moment to count heads before continuing.
“Okay class! Today we’re very lucky to be allowed visit Mount Aris >>1747439s and the tour palace of Queen Novo. This is the first time our school has been allowed to make a trip here. So I want everypony to be on their best behavior, and keep your eyes on me so you don’t get lost.
Diamond Tiara looks over at Rumble and Button Mash who were both had staring at their teacher with wide-eyed stares and giggles. “Miss Cheerilee! I don’t think you need to worry about these two not keeping their eyes on you.”
Cheerilee rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes. Come on and follow me then.”
This is one of the pieces I started during the month of MerMay but didn’t get a chance to finish. I decided to finish it today since its a holiday.