Original Description:
The first alicorn fusion to be born following the usage of the fusion potion (that being after Galaxia, Speedy Hooves, Calm Merriment and Motherly Morning) Sincere Scholar as an immediate success and a promising and reliable mare, where despite the diverse backgrounds of her components came together to create an amazing mare that is headstrong, knowledgeable and offers wisdom and knowledge in the fields of her career. Education and other forms of academia being her strong suits as she has learned to maximize her abilities to teach and nurture the many minds of those that seek to learn from her.
Though behind the scenes she tends to spend many hours of the day seeking not study time but bonding time with the many members of her family, especially her small nephew. The young boy attempting to stay awake during her readings rather found the smoothness of her tone to be too much and the small colt would merely curl up beside his aunt. The mare offering the little one a smile and the love that any mare would have for a foal that is so good and loving.