Original Description:
A press release image of DF4-7312, the Pingyan Railway diesel locomotive with MLP characters on it. Unfortunately, the website that it is taken from is no longer available outside Google’s cache, so I couldn’t upload the full resolution version.
The press release is for a ceremony for the painting of the train on August 21, 2017, where the picture was taken. There is an English-language press release announcing the same thing. Unfortunately it has no images.
The original article (http://www.cqxbls.com/xwzx/jtxw/201902/t20190225_6418.html) is not archived anywhere else. This is the text that I was able to extract from Google’s index (there is no cache available); it has basically the same meaning as the linked press release in English.
8月21日,盐田国际码头公司联合孩之宝公司在平盐海铁联运场站举行“变形金刚”“小马宝莉”火车头启用仪式。盐田国际公司董事总经理林庆文、孩之宝远东有限公司营运策划及物流副总裁Jeroen Speelman,丹马士物流大中华区首席商务官James Savagar等一行出席了活动。此次仪式上,孩之宝的经典形象“变形金刚”“小马宝莉”首次携手出现在火车头上。平盐海铁联运的火车上有了高大威猛的变形金刚与活泼可爱的小马宝莉更显得充满活力,焕然一新。孩之宝公司是盐田国际码头长期的合作伙伴,也是平盐海铁联运的重要客户。除共同拓展铁路业务外,双方在拖车、驳船、仓储等领域有着多方面的合作与发展。未来,双方将继续推动绿色运输,为进一步的合作发展带来新的生机与活力。据悉,盐田港区已成为粤港澳大湾区合作及外商与珠三角物流链的重要节点。目前,珠三角地区已成为大型跨国采购公司的全球采购及配送基地。国际大型跨国采购公司(如沃尔玛、耐克、住友、宜家等)以及全球著名的玩具供应商(如孩之宝、美泰、会跳青蛙、反斗城等),都在珠三角地区大量采购,然后通过盐田港运送到全球各地。