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After the COVID-19 pandemic ended in 2023, the Rainbooms are preparing to leave Canterlot City for concerts in Trotkyo, Sydneigh, Singapone, Saddle Arabia, Moscow, Hamsterdam, London, Paris (unfortunately, the 777 suffered a birdstrike during landing at Orly Airport. The Rainbooms’ other tour jet, a Boeing 787, had to fly directly from Canterlot City (stopping in Everett to collect Boeing engineers) to take over for the rest of the tour (placing the Rainbooms 12 hours behind schedule and a few extra hours of freetime in Paris) The 777 was then flown back to Canterlot City (to be stored until next time) after the engine was replaced, while the 787 continued the rest of the tour), Manehatten, Haylanta, Mareami, Chicagcolt, and finally, Salt Lick City before returning to Canterlot City.