Twilight Sparkle: Though I am a little stumped. Do the rest of you have any ideas?
DM: Ah, the “phone a friend” option.
Rainbow Dash: Heck if I know. It’s all Greek to me.
Pinkie Pie: I don’t have a clue either! But I believe in the rest of you!
Fluttershy: Um, this is more of a hunch than an idea, but… “A mark of one’s destiny…” Isn’t “mark” kind of a specific word choice? I feel like that means it has something to do with our Cutie Marks.
Applejack: Huh… Come to think of it, that’s one part of this setting we haven’t really interrogated much. Feels like we’ve just kinda taken it for granted as a “magical pony” kinda thing.
DM: Because it very much is, to be fair.
Rarity: We do get a “special talent” from them… But it’s not far-fetched to presume they have some greater magical significance.
Twilight Sparkle: Are Cutie Marks predestined…? Gee, sounds like we’re poised to ask deep questions about this fictional world. Wonder why that is.
DM: Oh no, not questions about my painstakingly crafted lore! *Aaaaaanything* but that!