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Original Description:
Cream Puff
“Y-You haven’t seen a mean looking pegasus around have you…?”
Parents: Pound Cake and Tender Taps
Siblings: Bubble Tea
Gender: Male
Species: Earth Pony
Allignment: Sun
Talent: Baking
Birthplace: Ponyville
General Bio:
The youngest son of Pound Cake and Tender Taps. Cream Puff is very close with both of his fathers, but he is very distant with his older brother. In fact Cream Puff is terrified of his older brother, after seeing the results of his time in the gangs.
Cream Puff works at Sugar Cube Corner with the Cake and Pie families. His specialty is cookies, but baking in general is his special talent, so he’s a welcome prescense in the once small bakery.