Disregarding "death of the author" treating them the same as they treat us _*may_* work I often see the very same type of people who "REEEEEEEE" at principles still make appeals in what arguments and clashes they do get into and it overall ends up weakening their position and making them look like idiotic hypocrites.
> They use their tactics because they're EFFECTIVE and they'll keep using it. The strategy is to analyze and use their tactics against them, including adopting them.[/bq]
No, not always. Sometimes strategies can't properly be replicated or even produce desirable results. The full republication of SJW tactics is the politicization of everything, the reason most started to oppose them in the first place, and the result is a creatively bankrupt space with only anger and paranoia.
> After many time we told you, you can't reason with these people.[/bq]
I think there is a time to cut off someone and not reason with them, but I think it needs to be applied very carefully. I have seen people who were not SJWs be pushed into it from being burned whenever they expressed slightly left of center beliefs and having mobs of idiots "REEEEEEEEing" at them.
[@Anonymous #035A":](/images/2860997#comment_41857
> You really think going around screeching about this guy will make the fandom a better place?[/bq]
I will partly defend Dennoc on this point. Imagine if say, you had to deal with just one or two of these type of people personally and were muzzled from being critical of them, and they drive you more and more crazy. It is foolish to think that it'll make any difference but yeah, I can understand taking an opportunity to vent, "[saying":](https://ponybooru.org/images/2860997#comment_40372
> Shitty SJW author. Don't read his garbage.
I don't know any history there or how bad the author is, but I can envision some pretty bad people being given a pass and frustration building up.
How is that anon shaming you for defending yourself? It's someone finding a negative comment you made stupid, not actually acting against you while you in the mist of being canceled or anything like that.