Name: Starburst
*Nickname(s): *Star
Parents: Sunset Shimmer (Bio-mother), Trixie Lulamoon (Mother), Sunburst (Donor)
*Species: *Pegasus
Build: Slight
Age: 15 (ish)
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Ponyville
Place of Residence: Ponyville *
General bio:
- Starburst is the youngest child of Trixie and Sunset and she is a ball of energy! She is almost the exact opposite from her brother in every way: she’s loud, outgoing, hyper-energetic, and adores being in groups of people; however they both love stars and have a natural curiosity that drives their interests.
Relationships:*Winter Wonder (Older Brother)
*When Sunset gave birth to Starburst they were surprised to find she was a pegasus, they were sure with such prominent unicorn genes that she would be one as well, but it seems a recessive gene from Sunbrust's side took over.
Original design adopted from PastelPoneAdopts , Floof-Queen