No one knows why a tiny little reindeer calf was left abandoned in the deep snows of Yak Yakistan but he sure did have luck on his side. If it wasn't for a visiting Pinkie Pie spotting the odd coloring in the snow, believing it to be one of Yak Yakistan's famed chocolate egg candies (probably one of the only things not made of mostly of snow in the country) then the tiny calf likely would have perished in the frozen wasteland. Pinkie brought the reindeer back to Prince Rutherford's village to be tended to by one of the Yak Nurses.
It was quite the rough night for the little calf and Pinkie herself, she had quickly become attached to the tiny calf when he had blearily snuggled into her hoof as she had picked up what she thought was a sweet treat. Pinkie sat vigilantly by his crib side wishing he make it through; and when the first pink rays of morning light shown through the window, Pinkie knew she had already made a decision. The little calf, who she had lovingly referred to as Snow Candy would be going home with her, she wouldn’t leave him to be placed into an orphanage. She hoped her wife wouldn’t mind much!
While growing up and helping Pinkie and Skystar host and throw parties he discovered his love of music, specifically the flute. He adored the sounds of it and when one year Pinkie was planning a surprise party for one of Luna’s daughter, all his family and even most of their friends were in on it. However it seemed that the young bat pony wasn’t enjoying her time, she was tucked away behind her mother. So Snow Candy though maybe she would enjoy one of his songs, they always cheered up Prom. He was so pleased when his music drew her out from under Luna’s protective wing and then when she began to dance he was enchanted by her moves.
Everyone at the party was surprised when suddenly the young princess’ flank grew bright and a cutie mark of ballet shoes appeared! Moondancer approached Snow Candy and the two solidified a lifelong friendship, and later romance and the parties atmosphere picked up quite a bit after that. Now Snow Candy and Moondancer spend as much time as possible together.