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Original Description:
When the tutor and princess is not busy with her work, Sincere Scholar often seeks to retreat to the royal library inside the Canterlot Archives alone by herself. being able to relax and keep to herself amongst the endless rows of books stored in the archives underneath the castle and main library allows the green mare to take into account her personal thoughts and opinions. Sincere being able to write her thoughts and the collected mindsets that she has got going on between the 4 component mares that discuss the many experiences and opinions that all pitch into Sincere’s collective conscious. The never ending stream of literature and other scripts and scrolls telling tales and other informative things the eager princess wishes to soak in ever since her recent conception. For any poor guard that comes across her majesty when relaxed and vulnerable, they best keep themselves under control when encountering the mare. In this case it would seem both her Trixie and her Spitfire components have taking the reigns and have posed this mare in a rather precarious position much to the dismay of both her Cheerilee and her Harshwhinny sides… Illustrated beautifully by Flubie