The ocean breeze on your still damp coat reminds you that autumn is but a few days away. A little craving for something tasty to complement your latest meal leads you and your friends to the eastern islet.
As you push through the tavern’s swinging doors, you are met with a charming flowery decor surrounding a few square tables, and a dozen of chattering patrons strewed about in groups of two or three. Next to a cooking station, a large seadog in an apron, likely the tavernkeeper, welcomes you inside.
Tavernkeeper: “Ahoy, mateys! What are ye dogs hungry for? There’s a new batch o’ fishburgers comin’ right up, and these salty sardine pies ye smell will be out o’ the oven in ten.”
You exchange unsure glances with the rest of your party, then ask the tavernkeeper if he serves anything other than fish.
Tavernkeeper: “No fish, eh? Not allergic to water, too, are ye? Harr harr! Ahh, jus’ rockin’ yer boat. Pull yerselves a bench while this one cooks ye somethin’ else, aye?”
You thank the tavernkeeper, and find an empty table nearby. Soon after you sit down across from your two younger companions, Snap enters the room, and begins to look around. You wave a hoof to draw her attention, and invite her to join your group once again.
Snap: “Err… yes, hello again.”
Snap takes a seat next to you, and while everyone waits for the food to arrive, you decide to pull out and unfurl your map.
You show your curious seadog friend where you came from, and where you are trying to go. But when you ask her if she can help you figure out where you currently are, she easily points at the middle of the ocean with a claw, presumably where the seadog islands are missing.
You let Snap borrow your writing tools to doodle a new location on your map just as the tavernkeeper comes by with a tray. You all offer polite thanks in exchange for plates of food, and he laughs heartily at the display, before returning to his station.
Tavernkeeper: “Harr harr harr! Cute as pups, them landlubbers!”
You each get served a large, thick grilled cheese sandwich in crunchy eggy bread. With a side of fresh spinach, and a mug of cold soy milk, this late night meal sure hits the spot.
You feel stuffed. Phew!
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