Trailblazer’s Cutie Mark (+5) affects your roll. You roll an 11 +5 (required 10). Success!
You agree to help finding the lost colt, and ask the coast guard to tell Captain Moor that you might be late to the celebration tonight.
Coast guard: “Wait, are you those same adventurers who saved us earlier? The world could really use more heroes like you. In any case, I’ll go update the captain about the situation right away.”
Before he leaves, you ask the coast guard about the colt.
Coast guard: “Right. The colt we are looking for is called Apple Basket. Earth pony, brown coat, light yellow mane, and a cutie mark of a basket with red apples.
He was expected to arrive in Amblerta before noon to visit his uncle, but wasn’t sighted near the gates, nor by the road patrol. He was last seen leaving the town of Saddleshire to the northeast. That’s all we know. Good luck.”
With a salute, the coast guard marches off northward to the port area.
Moonflower: “Somepony’s gotta tell Sea Swirl and the others where we went, too! I’ll catch up with ya in a bit.”
Moonflower gives you and Furia Storm a little nuzzle, much to the siren’s disapproval, then you both watch her take off to the sky and flutter away. Your eyes soon fall back to your homesick friend, who returns your stare questioningly.
You decide to ask Furia Storm whether she prefers to come along with you, or to go to the celebration with the others instead. She replies with a one-hoofed shrug, but her not leaving your side tells you all that you need to know.
You unequip Blue Stripe Scarf, and equip 4 Brass Horseshoes, Magic Sword Scabbard, 2 Mirror Shin Guards, and Tempered Simple Breastplate.
The songs of a hundred birds fill your ears as you quietly walk along the dirt road northeast to Saddleshire. Tall shade trees surround you, and through the dense blanket of rustling foliage, flickering sunrays dimly light your path.
A few minutes pass until you stop at a sudden curve in the road, which appears to circumvent a short escarpment up ahead. You get the feeling that climbing over it would be a shortcut, but leaving the road could risk missing clues.
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