You get 2 Enchanted Shin Guards, Tome of Dispel Strike, and your party shares 92 Gold Bits!
You ask Moonflower if she is ready to head back.
Moonflower: “Yuh uh!”
As you make your way back to the entrance of the tunnel, you notice that the illusions have been cleared away. You climb up the well and out into the small clearing, then take a moment to retrieve your rope.
You get Rope!
Moonflower: “That was fun! What’cha gonna do with the treasure?”
You tell Moonflower that you were thinking about asking Moondancer to identify it for you.
Moonflower: “Oh, got’cha. ’Cause maybe magic items can be poisonous, too.”
You begin to retrace your steps back to Coltswell.
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