You decide to attack the slime with your longsword.
Dawn Break: “You have a strength score of thirteen, which means you need a seven or higher to land a successful hit.”
You roll a twelve…
Blood Edge steps toward the slime, and gracefully arches his blade through his foe, cutting it for one damage.
Standing at a safe distance behind the others, Opaline begins to cast a spell. Her horn flashes brightly, and a burst of bubbling light heals Tailkicker back to full health.
Tailkicker: “Oh, cool! Thanks, Opaline!”
With renewed confidence, Tailkicker swings her sword at the slime again, slashing it for one damage. The monster now appears badly injured, glowing blue smoke escaping its wounds.
Getting more depserate, the slime lunges at a more vulnerable target, and bites Blood Edge for one damage.
Whirlpool: “It’s time to finish this!”
Sea Swirl rolls a one.
Sea Swirl: “Oh, come on!”
Dawn Break: “Whirlpool swings her tail flail at the slime, but misses completely, and loses her balance. She stumbles clusmily to the side, and falls into a nearby thorny bush, taking one damage, and becoming entangled.”
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