Professor Eckhart [DEBUNKED]
If you guys think I’m done with this myo contest you are so painfully wrong. It’s 3 a.m. here so I’ll be adding more about Eckhart later. When I’m coherent.
Professor Eckhart
Traits// One folded Ear - uncommon
Single rose color (purple) - common
Speckled spots, socks - common
Personality //
Eck is extremely stern and focused solely on his work. He acts like a scary guy but really he just wants to help improve the world. He’s a giant nerd. Don’t ask him any questions unless you’re prepared to sit in that spot for a few hours listening to him ramble on his explanation.
History //
Eck is a professor of magic (he studies magic itself) and is a renowned inventor. He has invented countless spells (mostly only usable by other rosebuds) and small technologies. He is currently working on clockwork magic-powered prosthetics.
ugh im so brain dead good nigh