MLP CaramelVerse: Prince Shining Plate
Woohoo, making refs that I actually like :’P
Name: Prince Shining Plate
Parents: King Shining Armor(Bio Dad), Queen Chrysalis(Bio Mom), Queen Cadence
Siblings: Shining Citadel(Older Sister), Princess Flurry Heart(Older Half-Sister), other unnamed siblings
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Species: Unicorn/Changeling Hybrid
Talent: Music
Shining Plate lives with his family in the Crystal Empire, and trains to be a Prince. However, he usually has trouble getting along with his older sisters- being the youngest sibling can be tough, especially when you’re royalty. Shining Citadel is genuinely nice to him, and Flurry is too (at least, most of the time) but he thinks Flurry is a bit of a brat and the favorite child, even though that’s not true. He’s always been a bit jealous of her since she has two pony parents and isn’t a hybrid; while all the ponies in the Crystal Empires respect and love the royal family, every time they visit Canterlot Shining Plate swears he hears the elite Unicorns gossiping about Cadence and Shining Armor’s choise to marry the reformed Queen Chrysalis, and to start a family together no less.
Shining Plate doesn’t mind living in the Crystal Empire- not at all; it’s nice living in a castle and all. But his dream was always to move to somewhere less… populated, and follow his true passion- music. After all, the Crystal Empire has two princesses, and no one would miss a non-princely prince anyways (Truth is, Shining Plate has been delaying telling his parents he wants to move put because, even though it may not seem like it, he loves his family tons- and it would be hard for him to leave them). He’s been delaying it off since, waiting for a good time to tell his family; right now, he’s very content practicing playing his guitar in his room.
Life was very usual for a long time, until, out of the blue, Cadence announced she and Shining were having twins. Oh boy. Over a year since, he has stayed in the castle, taking care of his new brother and sister. He was extremely fond of them immediately- because he wasn’t the only brother anymore, but mostly because he wasn’t the youngest anymore- he was an older brother now, and he felt like he had responsibility for them. If somepony did anything to the little nuggest, they would face his wrath. His parents are secretly very pleased that Shining Plate’s taking more responsibility and isn’t slacking off prince training anymore~
While he isn’t busy in the Crystal Empire, Shining Plate takes occasional trips to Ponyvile, just to have a break. He absolutely adores the little cozy, sleepy town, and if he’ll ever move out eventually, he’ll definitely come here. Maybe he’ll even make some real friends, who aren’t his siblings…