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duckymcduckface asked:
So can I get a clear explanation on the many faces of twilight sparkle? Because I am very confused
Yep sure, so a while back I was getting really burned out drawing everything perfectly, with accurate proportions, construction lines, accurate models etc. It takes time and effort to get anything done with the detail I put into my characters, and after a while it starts to grate.After one commission in particular where I messed up proportions I got so upset with myself I said “f*ck it, no more of this” and started doing something I’d wanted to do, which was more free-form, abstract cartooning.It turned out Twilight was the victim, as I felt I didn’t draw her enough or get into her character in any of my comics, and after a while I felt it’d be more fun to keep it as the one character because it meant others had to react to her, and something that’s weird is made more so when everything around it is normal.If, however, you meant an in-universe explanation, then Twilight becoming an alicorn at the end of season 3 had side-effects. I dunno, perhaps Celestia did the spell wrong lol
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