Original Description:
I’ll have to redo her outfit. This was just something I threw together real fast.
I always saw Rarity as the type way back at the show’s early days as the type of mare that would judge someone’s bad fashion sense no matter the species or gender, then grab and take them to her boutique for a makeover in her way, beautifying them gorgeously. I’m not overly too big a fan of Rarity with her being the girliest of girls in the group of six, not that being a bad thing at all since her role fits the girly and fashionable types well. The high society aristocratic mare with great business sense and establishments that can’t stand bad fashion sense, non-clean places (except for her work room which is “organized chaos”) and doesn’t watch what she’s doing when she’s too excited or disturebed about something or someone’s fashion to the point where she’ll unintentionally knock them off to the side. Regardless of the high class mare’s fashion antics, I do respect her sense of work, dedication, and still being there for her friends. She’s also the prettiest (or gorgeous) out of the 6, dressing up in so many different outfits for any given situation. The savvy mare’s beatnik outfit is one of my most favorite’s from her as she displayed her high class status well during the Made in Manehatten episode. Also Rarity with her hair long and down heightens her beauty more imo, no matter if she’s human, EG, anthro, or pony.