Original Description:
With all his spare time in his retirement to enjoy, Aerial Agriculture tends to reside at night upon a clear sky with a couple cups of freshly brewed coffee, a notebook or two and a mind full of thoughts and goals to map out the ever expanding night sky. Though his daughter Queen Galaxia (at least her Luna side) would usually take credit for the night sky and its appearance, both he and her well know that is not true. As the many bodies of the night sky move beyond what any alicorn even a new one such as himself would know better than that mares tale. Seeing the many stars, planets and other astronomical bodies and phenomenon and documenting such for the many ponies he know would be eager to see such research. Even his grandfoal he knows might wanna see what his grandpa has done alongside other activities his other component stallions would wanna do with him.
Done by :iconshido-tara: