Original Description:
>When you find that light that makes everything perfect
Well when Match released a perfect storm of consecutive pics with tempting parts to use, the waifu was bound to be given form again. So lets enjoy buff Fleety taking a gym selife because the light was too good to resist.
This was an interesting one because i ended up using the wings from an entirely different artist for this one. The wings are taken from this piece by Astrum: https://derpibooru.org/images/2529601 (with his permission of course) His style and Match’s style share some shape/stylistic similarities, so ive been experimenting with mixing and matching (heh) some of the lines together.
The rest can be summed up with the following images from Match:
The legs: https://derpibooru.org/images/2308893
The flexed arm: https://www.deviantart.com/matchstickman87/art/For-the-Love-of-Macho-868742039
The Phone: https://www.deviantart.com/matchstickman87/art/Just-Peachy-867449619
usual Disclaimer (edited for two artists now lol):
I AM NOT THE ORIGINAL ARTIST nor did i draw ANY of the lines that were used to create this image so i claim ZERO ownership. All of the artwork and lines used belong to Matchstickman and Astrum. I did construct some lines from scratch, but i used lines originally drawn by Match and Astrum to piece them together so i do not claim credit there either. I am just a big fan of them and their work is fun to mess with in photoshop. 100% of the credit goes to them because i could not make these without them drawing their own stuff first and i only upload these here because they are okay with it.