Original Description:
Name: Dawn Sparkle
Age: 1 ( looks around 18-20 )
Gender: Female
Species: Unicorn
Magic Aura Color: Green
Personality: helpful, honest, Kind.
Likes: Books, studying, magic and fighting.
Dislikes: Greed, failure, seeing others suffer.
Special Talent: Magic.
Cutie Mark: Being a clone of Twilight, she also bears her cutie mark.
Occupation: None.
Parents: None, although technically by DNA Twilight (mother), Sombra (father)
Siblings: None, although technically by DNA Solar Spell (half brother)
Other Family Members: None, although technically by DNA Shinning Armor (uncle), Cadance (aunt), Flurry Heart (cousin), Twilight Velvet (Grandmare), Nightlight (Grandfather)
Boyfriend: None
Pet: None
Biography: Dawn Sparkle is a clone of Twilight Sparkle and King Sombra. She was created by the renegade changeling Scar to be used as a part of his plan to start a pony civil war. He used Twilight and Sombra’s DNA to combine the magic of friendship with dark magic. To ensure Dawn would be able to use the magic of friendship, he designed her to be a good pony, but gave her fake memories that lead her to believe she was Twilight’s real daughter and that her mother had been betrayed and murdered, tricking her into fighting the other ponies to save equestria, while he built his army. Once Dawn encountered the real Twilight and learned of the truth about herself she was upset to find out everything she knew about herself was a lie. She is now a sad and confused misfit, trying to find her place in the world.