Original Description:
Originally posted on: Dec 19 2020
in my au, after a few years twilight finally decides to give the villains another shot at redemption and the way cozy is redeemed is well, they had her hang out with flurry heart (cozy had her wings cuffed prior to the hang out and guards to make sure she didn’t try anything) who was at the time now the same age as cozy glow (she hadnt aged cuz, well, she was stone).
she had managed to change cozy glow’s heart after a while and they became best friends! i would also like to add that flurry heart may or may not have a bit of a crush on cozy glow now….😳👀 cozy glow is 100% aware of it but she hasn’t said anything ..yet #cozyglow #flurryheart #mlp #mlpnextgen #mlpmanip #mylittlepony