Original Description:
Originally posted on: May 15, 2018, 4:49 PM UTC
Smol Legendary Gem Vampire Adopt CLOSED
Woh this one’s a special one
It’s more like a god-like
It’s based off of one of my favorite flowers called Amaryllis!Here’s the sheet of them if needed so you can know what you’re getting!
[This will be changed with time and elements that are not added in the sheet but in the adopt most likely will be rare/legendary]*Extra Legendary traits
*-Gem Horns with gem shards
-4 eyed tail
-Flower in the beginning of the tailSB
500Points / 5$MI
100*Points** */ 1$AB
5000*Points** */50$**Owner: Lyunnala **Bidding will end 24 hours AFTER the last bidBase by @/kirionekGEM VAMPIRES ARE CLOSED SPECIES BY ME
[Gifted by @/AKIMI–CHAN]