Original Description:
Fluttershy knew something was bothering her daughter. But Anarchy didn’t have in her to tell her what it is.After all, how can you tell your mother you feel less loved by your father than your siblings?
Slight changes from the last time I talked about the FlutterCord siblings.Both Serenity and Mayhem are capable of creating chaos magic, juts like there father, expect Anarchy. Who while has chaos magic she cannot control it and only comes out through the burst of emotions. She really only can do basic pony magic, like object levitation.Because of this Discord, without realizing, spent less attention to her, as he couldn’t, lack of a better word, goof around and connect with her like with his other kids. Of course, this doesn’t mean he didn’t love all of his kids.Discord is… not the best of fathers. Not out of maliciousness, he just doesn’t really know how to be one.This built a distance between Anarchy and her father, but strengthens her relationship with her mother.