Original Description:
My take on ponifying the Horsemen of the Apocalypse. These four Alicorn stallions are Celestia and Luna’s half-brothers. Despite their apocalyptic inspiration, they are actually very kind and helpful, traveling all over the world to help creatures in the most dire of need.
From left to right:
Prince Victorum, the Alicorn of Conquest
A brilliant diplomat and the father of Prince Blueblood. On the rare occasions he visits Canterlot, his priorty is to find his son and shower him with affection, often interrupting meetings and embarrassing him in front of the nobles.
Prince Bellum, the Alicorn of War
A strong and honorable warrior who enjoys showing off his skill. Often cocky an snarky, but becomes serious when innocents are in danger.
Prince Famis,the Alicorn of Famine
A generous stallion who tries his hardest to provide for those who have nothing. He’s a talented chef and will often go overboard making delicious meals for friends, family, and total strangers.
Prince Mortis, the Alicorn of Death
A stallion of few words who provides a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on for those who are grieving. Despite rarely speaking, he’s very social and loves board games.