After weeks of the new habit of sneaking out at night for late night swimming lessons, relaxing on the beach and star gazing, as well as some new intimacy, Mako and Bubble grew closer and closer. Certain tensions grew higher one night, yet still nothing went very far. Once things calmed down, Bubble asked Mako to stay overnight, always having left after she fell asleep. Though hesitant at first, Mako agreed and snuggled up to Bubble in the bed, singing a lullaby, then falling asleep.
The next morning, they woke and gave kisses before Bubble went downstairs for breakfast, and Mako was getting ready to head out the window again. Walking down the steps, Bubble could smell fresh coffee and hear her mother, Kiwi Breeze making what smelled like waffles or pancakes. Mane a bit of a mess, she yawned a “good morning” while getting coffee and sitting at the table. Kiwi gave a sweet greeting to her daughter.
Kiwi: So…. Is your special friend going to be joining us this morning?
Bubble: Coughs and chokes on her coffee
Kiwi: chuckles
Silver Lining, heading to Bubble’s bedroom to wake her not knowing she’s already downstairs, walked in to find a stranger putting his shirt on and getting to ready to climb out the window…
Silver:…. Ahem
Mako: startled dolphin squeak and turns around
The two stared at each other quietly for a good few minutes. Silver glared and his mustache twitched questioningly at Mako.
Mako: ……… Good morning…..?
Silver: grunts
Mako walked down the stairs with Silver just behind him, staring a hole in the back of Mako’s head. Heading to the kitchen he could hear Bubble stutter a bit trying to think of what to say, to the same mare he crashed into on the beach weeks ago. She turned to look at him and looked a bit surprised.
Mako: Oh.. heheh, hello again.
Kiwi: smirks Nice of you to join us.
Bubble: utterly confused I… take it you already met?
Kiwi: laughs Oh, you could say we “ran into each other” some time ago.
Mako: nods Yeah, heheh.
Silver: stares judgingly at Mako
Mako: Funny enough, I can still feel the hit from your board.
Kiwi: cringes Sorry about that. I get so caught up in the moment, I forever there are other ponies in the sea than just me. With the surfing competition coming up, it’s so hard to find enough space to practice properly without having other surfers or swimmers running into you.
Mako: chuckles a bit, seeing how much different her behavior is than when he first met her Well, there is an area on the beach that hardly ever used. Mostly on the private beaches, the waves come in great sizes for surfing. I have a house on that part if you ever want to use that space anytime you want. I wouldn’t mind.
Kiwi: smiles widely That’s very kind of you to offer! I might take you up on that. Do you drink coffee? wings quiver slightly from happiness
Silver’s glares grew a bit more intense, not entirely sure if Mako was hitting on his wife or not.
Mako: Indeed a I do. Oblivious to the glares, but can feel a chill up his spine
Kiwi: Sugar or cream? As she stood to make Mako’s cup of coffee Breakfast will be done in a few minutes. I hope you like pancakes.~
Bubble: quietly sipping her coffee with an amused grin on her face
Mako: Sugar please. And pancakes sound great, Mrs Kiwi.
Kiwi: hands him his coffee Don’t look so smug, Bubble dear. You aren’t quite off the hook yet.
Bubble: freezes mid sip, eyes wide as Kiwi smirks
Kiwi: Me and Silver used to sneak off in the lighthouse at night when we were young and restless chuckles ….. Not that I recommend it.
Mako: trying not to snicker … I assume I’m not on the hook, I’m on the harpoon… heheh… heh…
Bubble: red faced I-it’s not like that, mom..
Kiwi: gives that parental look when they know their child is lying
Bubble: Well.. not at first. He was only trying to help with the nightmares and…
Kiwi: concerned look on her face appears I thought you said those night terrors stopped years ago. Why didn’t you tell us? I’m sure the Doctor would be more than willing to get you another prescription for those sleep medications.
Mako: ears twitch, but stays quiet
Bubble: ears fold back, gripping her coffee mug I don’t need pills. I’m not crazy.
Kiwi: I never said you were, but..
Silver: interrupts by coughing into his fist The pancakes…
Kiwi: fluffs up Oh! *Runs to the kitchen to tend to the now burning pancakes.
Mako: watches Kiwi run off for a second before turning to Bubble and reaching out and putting a hand on her shoulder gently, leaning in a bit ….. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.. I won’t pry..
Bubble: ears twitch a little as she leaned in and spoke quietly It’s fine. After I fell, my parents insisted I seek help to get over my fear of water.. the doctor gave me drugs instead of finding alterior solutions. They obviously didn’t help then.. I’ve been off them for years without a problem. It’s just nightmares. I haven’t had any for the last couple of weeks actually, now that I think about it…
Mako: still looks a little worried, but rubs her back gently as he brought her in close to him, gently nuzzling her forehead and purring.
Bubble: blushes a little and nuzzles back
After the burnt pancakes were taken care of, everyone enjoyed their breakfast. Small talk going back and forth after changing the subject. Ultimately leading to Kiwi inviting Mako over for dinner later that night, to which he accepted the invitation happily. Once breakfast was over, Mako excused himself, saying he had to get to work and start on repair orders. Giving Bubble a kiss goodbye and saying he’ll see her later, Mako walked for the front door with Kiwi.
Kiwi: It was nice to see you again! And I can’t wait til tonight. But uhm, this time.. use the front door. Smirks
Mako: nervous smile as he chuckled Will do.