Original Picture and Concept: https://caroos-dungeon.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershys-Tamed-Tatzlwurm-510738129
Character(s): Hasbro/Studio B/MLP
Put it up now cause I got other things to work on for the next feu days and stuff. When I first stumbld on to this pic I KNEW it deserved more love than what it got, so I got working(after having finished school work for the year) on redrawing the original image with some slight differences here and there to show more of Fluttershy’s struglle and reaction at the overpowering and spine tingling sensations the Tatzlwurm-thing’s tongues were givin her tender feet. I’ll make sure to post a colored version soon enough(especially with my new drawing Tablet to help me this time.)
So long guysHeadbang!