“And here’s our long awaited guest star of this Red Velvet Thanksgiving, Dragonlord Ember, or should we say DragonLard Ember?
Ember has really become very bountiful during her times with ponies, especially Pinkie Pie. Eating all the food she could ask for, as her thin slender body blew up into the mountainous sumo sized Ball of lard and fat. Ember doesn’t mind though, seeing that dragons have big appetites and that her girth showed she was a girl of bountiful health. Well… By her standards at least. Besides, there are a lot of overweight dragons back in her homeland.
Besides, since she’s royalty and is friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle, she now has a night at the theaters with her best friend Spike and the others. Getting front row seats and free food from the concession stand. Being the Dragonlord has its benefits.”~ PrincbeBlueMoon3