Flurry: Silly Starfire, the lesson on ancient Equestrian history doesn’t start for half an hour!
Starfire: I know, I just want to be there early to have a chance to talk to Starswirl the Bearded himself! I have so many questions to ask him!
Flurry: He might not be there right now Starfire as he is a very busy stallion.
Celestia: I’ll assure you my dear Flurry, I know my old mentor enough that he’ll be there already. Especially since he wanted to personally meet my newest personal student.
Starfire: Starswirl wants… to see… me!?
Celestia: Of course my dear Starfire, he certainly wants to get to know how such a young colt like yourself can raise and lower the sun.
Starfire: (very excited horse noises)
At least he’s going to receive a warmer welcome from Starswirl than what Starlight and Twilight got.