
One night in the Capital of Canterlot, the small human prince Tommy has yet another dream episode. However unlike the terror of Sombra that had haunted his visions before, this time an old ancient threat decides to poke into the young boys dreams. What will Tommy find as he wanders the world of his dreams!
Brought to you and illustrated beautifully by the artist princebluemoon3 :iconprincebluemoon3:  
Now continuing on with part 2!!
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safe2259867 artist:princebluemoon3949 cosmos (character)583 discord39130 draconequus22032 comic:the chaos within us481 black and white18777 canterlot7380 canterlot castle2995 captive208 comic132616 commissioner:bigonionbean2547 crater199 dialogue99789 drawing6399 dream3334 female1711713 giantess6896 grayscale51124 help me264 horrified858 macro16994 magic98616 male514547 monochrome183234 night39692 nightmare1631 oh shit145 shocked9973 throne room1651 title page52 traditional art145520 writer:bigonionbean2224


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