Today is devoted to making known to people of the world the aims and achievements of the United Nations Organization. At 73 years old, it continues to make a difference in the lives of everyone, everywhere. The intergovernmental organization is tasked to promote international co-operation and to create and maintain international order. Its objectives include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
I decided to create this not only in commemoration to the United Nations, but also to make it clear that international peace is also found in the world of My Little Pony. Ever since Twilight Sparkle became the Princess of Friendship, she and her very best friends have spread the Magic of Friendship throughout Equestria, and beyond. Wherever they went, they made friends with different creatures, great and small: from the Dragons to the Changelings, from the Griffons of Griffonstone to the Hippogriffs of Hippogriffia, from the Buffalo tribe near Appaloosa, to the Yaks of Yakyakistan, from the Deer of the Everfree Forest, to the Kirin from the Peaks of Peril, and from one former aristocat from Abyssinia, to a crew of parrot pirates from Ornithia. New friends are made from ponies and non-pony creatures alike. Despite the conquest of the Storm King, and the isolationist, racist fear of Chancellor Neighsay, all nations from around the world have been united under one thing - friendship. Even after Twilight opened her School of Friendship, six students from these different races and nations have become the best of friends and saved Equestria from the deceptive machinations of the evil Cozy Glow. Before she opened her school, Twilight, the pony princesses, and many familiar, non-pony faces traveled to the Hall of Unity perched on the peak of Mount Metazoa to take part in the Convocation of Creatures, an assembly of leaders from all across the world that had not been held for over seven hundred years. For what I can guess, it is the closest thing to the My Little Pony version of UN. I wish to see the rest of the world, and the different nations and race of creatures just waiting to befriended. Nod
I’ve waited a long time to make something like this, to bring all the different creatures throughout the known world. I, however, was unable to include every race. For one, some are still “unfriendly,” some haven’t revealed their nations yet, I couldn’t squeeze them all in, and for one character, I couldn’t find the right vector and make it in time. Nonetheless, I pretty much have the more important and well-known species. Plus, since they are the next generation of united nations, I decided to include the Young Six into the mix. :D (Big Grin) For the background, I decided to give this a rainbow sunburst, made from the same colors of the Magic of Friendship itself.
Ponies of Equestria
Twilight Sparkle - Pony Princess of Friendship by :iconluckreza8:
Sandbar - pony student by me
Spike - Non-pony assistant and best friend of Twilight Sparkle by :iconcaliazian:
Dragons of the Dragon Lands
Ember - Dragon Lord by :iconcheezedoodle96:
Smolder - dragon student by me
Griffons of Griffonstone
Gabby - Griffon Cutie Mark Crusader by :icondoctor-g:
Gallus - griffon student by me
Changelings of Changeling Kingdom
Thorax - King of the Changelings by :icondashiesparkle:
Ocellus - changeling student by me
Hippogriffs of Hippogriffia
Skystar - Princess of the Hippogriffs by…
Silverstream - hippogriff student by me
Yaks of Yakyakistan
Rutherford - Prince of the Yaks by :iconparcly-taxel:
Yona - yak student by me
Buffalo Tribe Nation
Thunderhooves - Chief of the Buffalo by me
Little Strongheart - Buffalo warrior by :iconjeatz-axl:
Deer of Thicket
Aspen - King of the Everfree Forest Deer by :iconcheezedoodle96:
Bramble - Prince of the Everfree Forest Deer by :iconcheezedoodle96:
Cats of Abyssinia
Capper Dapperpaws - Aristocat by :icondashiesparkle:
Parrots of Ornithia
Celaeno - Pirate Captain by :icondashiesparkle:
Kirin of the Peaks of Peril
Autumn Blaze - singer, healer, and talkative kirin by :iconnstone53:
I know I’m missing others, but once again no room and no perfect vectors.
Our United Nations is built on allies, but I know that My Little Pony’s is built on friends, and friendship is the best way to build an international alliance. Even here on DeviantArt, I have made friends not just from here in the USA, but from the UK, Australia, Canada, Slovakia, etc. This is one of the main reasons why I celebrate this day, not for the organization itself, but for what it does. No matter where my friends are from, they are very precious to me, and I would fight to keep our doors open to you all. Heart
I hope you all love this, and may you all enjoy this special day for our friendship. Heart