Aunt and uncle of Starfall Shimmer, Galaxyburst, and Violet Nova
Dated in High School, later got married
Live in the human world where Flash’s band is famous and Sunset is a comic book writer and illustrator
Sunset a was told she is Starlight’s sister by their mother, Violet Sun(not Shown)
Starlight and Star Tracker
Parents of Starfall Shimmer, Galaxyburst, and Violet Nova
Aunt and uncle of Lightning Star and Flare Sword
Star Tracker enrolled in the School of Friendship, where he and Starlight grew close
(Adult) Star Tracker gained a crush on Starlight and eventually asked her out, they dated for a few years, then got married
Starlight became Twilight’s assistant after Spike left Ponyville to be with Ember
Star Tracker is head of the gaurds in Twilight’s castle
They live in the Castle of Friendship
Starlight was told she is Sunset’s sister by their mother Violet Sun
Rarity and Spike
Not married
Parents of Fire Diamond
Had a one-night stand, were never really in a relationship
Rarity later gave birth to their daughter, Fire Diamond
Spike was perfectly fine with being a father out of wedlock, and loves Fire Diamond fiercely
Spike later gained interest in Ember, and began to spend more time with her
Rarity started dating as well, though she dated the more popular stallions which she wasn’t really in to
Rarity and Spike are still good friends
Rarity and Comet Tail
Parents of Constelllation and Cream Thread
Aunt and uncle of Rough Rhythm
Rarity and Comet Tail became friends when Rarity wanted some astronomy inspired dresses for a new line and sought out Ponyville’s best known astronomer
Comet Tail gained a massive crush on Rarity, but didn’t know how to tell her (this was when she was dating)
Fire Diamond (who was 10-12 at the time) over heard Comet Tail talking about wanting to ask Rarity out, she told him about it and helped him win Rarity’s heart
Comet Tail loves Fire Diamond as if she were his own
Spike and Ember
Not officially married, but have sworn their love for each other*
Parents of Candle and Nightflare
Spike left Ponyville to be with Ember and Starlight became Twilight’s assistant
Live in the Dragon Lands
Frequently visit Ponyville to see Fire Diamond
Sweetie Belle and Rumble
Parents of Rough Rhythm
Aunt and uncle of Fire Diamond, Constellation, Cream Thread, Storm Spice, and Ocean Cloud
Sweetie Belle became a singer and Rumble is a Wonderbolt
Next Generation:
Lightning Star
Only daughter of Sunset and Flash
Sister of Flare Sword
Cousin of Starfall Shimmer, Galaxyburst, and Violet Nova
16 years old
Does not get along with Starfall
Lives in the human world, though visits the pony world to see family
Flare Sword
Only son of Sunset and Flash
Brother of Lightning Star
Cousin of Starfall Shimmer, Galaxyburst, and Violet Nova
14 years old
Is competitive with Flare Sword
Lives in the human world, though visits the pony to see family
Starfall Shimmer
First born daughter of Starlight and Star Tracker
Sister of Galaxyburst and Violet Nova
Cousin of Lightning Star and Flare Sword
21 years old
Starlight and Star Tracker announced their pregnancy at a party
She is named after Sunset Shimmer, her aunt
Future wife of Vortex Thunder (son of Tempest and Blueblood)
Second born and only son of Starlight and Star Tracker
Brother of Starfall and Violet Nova
Cousin of Lightning Star and Flare Sword
19 years old
He is named after Sunburst, Starlight and Sunset’s cousin
Future husband of Asteroid Glow (daughter of Twilight and Big Mac)
Violet Nova
Third born and second daughter of Starlight and Star Tracker
Earth Pony
Sister of Starfall and Galaxyburst
Cousin of Lightning Star and Flare Sword
12 years old
She is named after her grandparents, Violet Sun and Novastar
She’s a jerk and a bully
Future wife of Cream Thread (son of Rarity and Comet Tail)
Fire Diamond
Only daughter of Rarity and Spike
Unicorn/dragon hybrid
Half sister of Constellation, Cream Thread, Candle, and Nightflare
Cousin of Rough Rhythm (I forgot the line cries)
23 years old
Was conceived from a one-night stand
She loves her stepfamily dearly
Was crushed when Spike left
Future wife of Blazing Silk (son of Photo Finish and Starstreak)
Only daughter of Rarity and Comet Tail
Half-sister of Fire Diamond and sister of Cream Thread
Cousin of Rough Rhythm
15 years old
Is the apprentice of Twilight Sparkle
Future wife of Airway Apple (son of Applejack and Soarin)
Cream Thread
Only son of Rarity and Comet Tail
Half-brother of Fire Diamond and brother of Constellation
Cousin of Rough Rhythm
12 years old
Is interested in clothes making
Future husband of Violet Nova
Only daughter of Spike and Ember
Half-sister of Fire Diamond and sister of Nightflare
No cousins
17 years old
Is more like her father
Good friends with Fire Diamond
Future mate of Simmer (son of Garble and Spitfire)
Only son of Spike and Ember
Half-brother of Fire Diamond and brother of Candle
No cousins
15 years old
Is more like his mother
Future husband of Pink Mac (daughter of Twilight and Big Mac)
Rough Rhythm
Only daughter of Sweetie Belle and Rumble
Has a brother or sister on the way
Cousin to Fire Diamond, Constellation, Cream Thread, Storm Spice, and Ocean Cloud
7 years old
Has stage fright
Future wife of Batter Blitz (son of Scootaloo and Pound Cake)
*Okay so about the dragons not being married, I want the creatures to go back to their animal roots a little. The only species in the Mintiverse that has marriage are the ponies. Recall that Torch and Novo have kids, but their other parents aren’t mentioned. Plus, some species (like griffons, dragons, changlings, etc) weren’t really that friendly with each other, so I feel like marriage would just be used to reproduce, so there wouldn’t be a reason to keep the pair legally bound together. This isn’t to say everyone got with everyone, and I’m sure some couples did stay together and some actually cared about each other. Also, I don’t approve of this in real life or with humans. Remember, these characters are still animals, sentient animals, but still animals, humans are not. ~ Mintstar