Just an artwork about painting and sketching practice! Thanks for Bar and other ponies’ ocs as guest performers in this artwork!
Although I have been added the’micro’ and ‘macro’ tag in the tag area, it is obvious that my oc has not mistakely run into/ been kidnapped into the world of macro, but that my oc has become a micro √
As for the reason why I have the inspiration for this practice, I once knew a brony who liked size difference very much. It can be said that he successfully pulled me into the ‘pit’ of size difference. Moreover, I always hold a worship tendency towards those macro ocs, so I like to make my oc super small to be play with by all of those macro ocs.
(if you look at the previous reference sheet of my oc, you will notice that the size of my oc is larger than a average male. Now, I’d rather remove this setting and make him super small.)
Then, when I was in sixth grade or so, I saw such a sentence in the magazine that “the weight of a mare is fatal” (modification already). In addition, the scene that a chief actor in a cartoon is severely pressed under a big butt, and this oc has a FULL and ROUND sexy butt. What’s more, Ravist drew some artworks about this oc and In addition’s addition…………
The combination of these ideas make me finally complete an practice like this. Hope you guys would like it~
超小只的绘师想要逃脱来催稿的小马可是一件灰常不容易的事儿 除非自己藏起来了否则可是好容易被逮住的说 当然直接用超重的大屁屁压住似乎确实是残忍了一内内……不过或许其实这会是个很享受的体验也说不定?
虽然说今次产图下方标签区中”micro”同”macro”的标签都被加了进来 但很明显 不是咱的oc误打误撞跑进了/被绑架到了macro的世界 而是咱的oc变小了√
至于为什么会有这个练习灵感 主要是因咱曾有认识一位很喜欢Size difference的朋友 可以说他成功的把咱彻底拉进了Size difference的深坑之中 而且咱对于macro向来是抱着一种崇拜的倾向 所以说就喜欢上了把自己的oc搞的超级小来被各种折腾了(真就对应了自己m的首字母嘛)
(如果各位有去看咱之前上存的自家oc的设定图的话应该会留意到咱oc的体型要比常规的雄驹还要大上一圈 咱现在宁可把这个设定去掉 把他变成超级小的体型)
然后就是在咱还是六年级左右时曾有在杂志上看见这么一句话“雌驹的重量是致命的”(有修改)加上在某部漫画中看见的主角被狠狠压在屁屁下的场景 还有就是这只oc原本屁屁就挺丰满的 加上隔壁Ravist给她画了大屁屁的Macro相关产图 还有隔壁的隔壁…………
这几个想法的结合就诞生了这份练习稿啦 希望大家喜欢
记得点赞 关注 收藏哦各位亲~
You capitalize “Without”. Which made that entire sentence came out passive aggressive.
Geez why you have to guess other ponies with such malice? There arent any aggressive words in the comment below.
I am so scared…🥺
Edited because: Wrong grammar
If you don’t want your artwork on the website, go here and tell sapphie to add your name to the list or file a DNP. Leaving a passive aggressive comment on the picture doesn’t solve anything.
Hmmmm, quite interesting.