I don’t think anyone has ever done this, but I figured I’d do such a picture. This here shows all of the brothers and sisters of the Young Six. I imagine this could be an upcoming episode where the students are allowed to bring their brothers and sisters to the School of Friendship for the day. But poor Gallus, he’s the only one of his friends who doesn’t have a brother or sister.
So in the picture, we have Ocellus’ brother and sister, Yona’s brother and sister, Coral Currents (Sandbar’s sister), Garble (Smolder’s brother), and Terramar (Silverstream’s brother).
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is (C) to Hasbro.
Garble vector is by Theorak
Terramar vector is by TheEditorMLP
Ocellus’ Brother and Sister and Coral Currents vectors are by CloudyGLow
Yona’s Brother and Sister vectors and the background are by DragonChaser123