anonymous asked:
um I don’t mean to be rude or anything but using disability as drama is slightly ableist. Disabled people aren’t just a tragedy or something to move a plot forward We’re just people, I have several learning disabilities and it would hurt if people acted like the way Sunset and Twilight did over me. Just please be mindful of disabled people.
(Sorry for disrupting story flow with an ask, will be moved later).
I understand your concern, I am disabled. Sapph’s disability was initially very loosely based off by my own disability. Things have changed obviously, with the reasoning behind it, but the sentiment will always be there.
I would never, ever toss in disability as ableist drama. I’ve seen it done before and all it does is put a bad taste in my mouth.
I apologize if anything I do does make people think I would be doing as such, because I can only speak for myself and not others with this path I am taking. But no. I’m writing a disability because it’s something I have grown up with and learned from in my life, and is something I try to incorporate in my works instead of ignore that it’s there.