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I mean, I know Celestia is important to Sunset and all that, but would Twilight want someone else to be her child’s godparent! Like, I dunno, Cadence?
“While of course, Cadence seems like an obvious choice… She has a lot on her hands already! I wouldn’t want to put too much stress on her, god-forbid anything should happen to us! And with our other friends - Rarity and AJ are moving and barely starting their lives, and same with the others! (Plus, it would’ve been too hard to pick just one…)”“I know Princess Celestia would be a good choice at least in Equestria - we don’t know too many ponies on the level we do where I’m from, save for Princess Twilight and Princess Luna. Even then, I only know Luna slightly. It was a very difficult choice, but we had to factor in the idea that we still don’t know what to expect when it comes to the magic side of things. For starters… Principal Celestia lives close to CHS and the portal, and Cadence lives at Sweet Apple Acres and commutes to CPA for work. The living situation probably wouldn’t be best if she winds up needing the portal more often than not.”“Besides… two Celestias! One on each side! I thought it was at least a little clever! …Right?”