Gender: Mare
Race: Pegasus
Nickname(s): Minty, Mist, Misty
Personality: Shy, Sporty, Fair Player, Sappy
Parents: Vapor Trail (mother) Sky Stinger (father)
Sibling(s): None
Other Relations: Finch Smoke (crush)
Sexual Orientation: (current time) Heterosexual
Occupation: Currently a flying coach, but is trying to become an author who writes sappy love stories
Hometown: Cloudsdale
Current Residence: Cloudsdale
Relationship Status: Crushing on Finch Smoke
Cutie Mark: Haven’t designed one yet and I’m bad at making them
If she looks like any other oc it is pure coincidence, and if I think I should then I will redesign her a bit.
Minty Mist © wolfiefox27
Base by Darkest-Purity
Mlp Fim© hasbroplz