It was now the main event of the aging process that was spreading rapidly across Rarity’s fleeting body, as her entire legs were shivering like they were cold. But in reality, her muscles were getting weaker and weaker as her front legs were starting to age thinner with the fleeting muscles, along with the said kneecaps beginning to protrude outwards, as cracking of her bones were ringing as they shriveled, along with her skin beginning to form wrinkles and spots everywhere while it happened. Her hind legs meanwhile buckled at the knees as knee-bumps formed around her joints, along with her flank beginning to sag with bags forming from them, as muscles there were also fleeted out as well, but still she felt she could walk normally but slower and more relaxed. And to finish the aged and now frail legs and hooves she had, now her spine cracked and ached in which she moaned a bit from the pain. Though it was thankfully temporary as now her body had wrinkles and spots forming everywhere around her older skin.
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