[bq]by implying BLM means "black lives matter more".[/bq]And that's wrong, because it's blindingly obvious by anyone looking from outside that it actually means "only black, and only select ones at that, lives matter".
"@Officer Hotpants":/images/2660056#comment_26454
Non-African (and _non-Middle Eastern_) genepool was just fine for last what, 40000 years?
It's not really about genepool, either, it's about a bunch of patently fucking un-educatable, delinguent, deadbeat idiots trying to destroy the systems that enabled them to survive to adulthood in the first place (and, being idiots, believing the populist lies and siding with the party that _threw a four years long tantrum_ when their fake-ass candidate lost, right after they've threatened another out of running and couldn't do anything better than double down on WOMYN RACISM WOMYN RACISM), while using pretense of """helping""" another bunch of delinguent deadbeats as the cover, while actively destroying any chances of non-delinguents getting the fuck out by praising the """culture""" that kills, traps in crime, and otherwise crab-buckets them.
"@Dex Stewart":/images/2660056#comment_5654
It came from a bunch of idiots who refused to cooperate with police (one possibly going for suicide by cop, or just being terminally retarded enough to reach for his belt while at gunpoint) and hence got shot, and happened to be black. Their activity can be summed up as "racism, more racism, using blacks as a shield from criticism, promoting ghetto culture aka gangs, violent crime, and drug dealing, that one Malcolm X quote about white liberal using the Negro to get at the conservatives, even more racism".
It's quite telling that self-announced marxists instead of, say, taking over some town and actually separating (oh wait, they tried taking over a city part, it failed spectacularly in under a week, what surprise) go for being bankrolled by corpos to incite riots and destroy places that won't be able to recover on top of """pandemic""" already forcing mom&pops into bankruptcy while having Special VIP Exceptions for the chains.
>and at least two outright politically-motivated homicides
Ironic now that they've tried to erase Luftkrieg. The question is, who edited the original, artist