For those who are curious, I’ve been working on a web project for 5 months straight writing tens of thousands of lines of code building a new service from the ground up. It’s a gift registry-kinda thing based on a little web application I wrote for my family years and years ago. You’re welcome to check it out if you wish, but it’s still in beta so I can’t promise that it’s perfect yet:
I’ll probably try to promote the site a bit in my comments for a while, but I promise not to be a pain. I’ll describe the site a little below, but if you’re not interested, just skip it all :)
So the site is all about “waiting for better prices”. It works as a gift registry of course because the list of things you’re waiting for, your friends and family can see (if you let them). They can also buy the things for your or discuss the items (like asking each other what color you want, warning others that they got it so two people don’t get the same gift and that sort of thing). The really cool part is that the site is designed to keep YOU from seeing any present suggestions or conversation from your family. In other words, it supports gift coordination between your family behind your back (just like it should be :)
Right now there are no ads and I don’t plan to add any unless they are passive (quiet and non-animated) and use no privacy invading technology. That means that even Google ads are out. Yes, I could make more money by abandoning this requirement, but I think that if you have to abuse your customers to make a living, then you’re part of the problem.
Anyway, even if you don’t want to use the site for yourself, if you know someone who’d be interested, send them along. If not, no worries.