Honeycrisp Tales (Quarantine Edition - #2):“It’s been a while, but school started up again after a long Spring Break an’ that means I can finally see my friends again! It’s been a while an’ I missed them! Even Rosie being a crumblebuns would put a smile on my face, if it meant I was seein’ my classmates again!”STUDENT CHAT (ONLINE):Honeycrisp Blossom: It’s so good to see y’all again! I missed ya somethin’ awful! An’ I missed learning! Primrose Prime: How do you type your accent out? That’s just overkill. Ma Belle Danseuse: I missed you so much Honey! Pumpkin Cake: Mom hasn’t combed my hair in three days! I’ve never felt more free! Pound Cake: You’re probably going to regret that later. Primrose Prime: If this stay inside stuff means I get to see your sister with a shaved head Pound Cake, then I’m glad I’m not at school. Miss you though. ♥ Pound Cake: Miss you too Prim - I miss you guys a lot! Pumpkin Cake: I miss everyone EXCEPT PRIMROSE. xXShark_FriendXx: HEY GUYS! I MISSED YOU! PRIMMY’S NOT GOOD AT SHARKS AND FISHIES! DO YOU THINK MR. SOMBRA WILL LET US DO RECESS ON CALL SO WE CAN PLAY IT EVEN THOUGH WE’RE NOT AT SCHOOL? Primrose Prime: Dolly, stop talking in caps lock, it makes you shout everything out loud and I have enough of a headache listening to you already. Also change your username - Mr. Sombra keeps saying we have to use our names for the attendance to count. Dolce Dusk: Rude.
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