Members: Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle
Position/Role: Cheerleaders and Motivators for both teams and fans alike.
‘Despite being too young to be competitors in the ‘All-Star League’; these young girls have the energy and contagious glee needed to spread the excitement and passion that the teams have, to the hundreds, even thousands of fans that crowd every single stadium in this competition. Not only that; but their unique friendship bond is strong enough to give an example to all those around that teamwork and friendship are the most important values for those who one day, want to accept the challenge of becoming; not only a champion… but a legend’.
A very special thanks to PaulySentry for commiting on bringing this series to life. We sincerely hope you like all of our Equestria Strikers content; as much as you do with Equestria Heroes (withDANMAKUMAN)
And a shoutout to BlazeDeku for guessing correctly on the previously made status update, in which the clue was almost obvious. XD
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