Originally posted on: January 5, 2013
I’ve seen a lot of versions of this base but they all have soft edges. Meaning it’s extreamly hard for MS-Paint users (like myself) to use. I have made this one rough edges so it’s easier to use! :D :iconreadrulesplz::iconreadrulesplz::iconreadrulesplz::iconreadrulesplz::iconreadrulesplz::iconreadrulesplz::iconreadrulesplz: :iconreadplz::iconreadplz::iconreadplz::iconreadplz::iconreadplz::iconreadplz::iconreadplz: !!ONLY FAVE IF YOUR GOING TO USE!!RULES!!
:bulletred:Credit ME
:bulletorange:FAVE before use
:bulletyellow:You MAY change the gender
:bulletgreen:LINK back to ME
:bulletblue:DO NOT claim as your own
:bulletpurple:Have FUN Base by :iconswoonstarbases: MLP: FiM by :iconhasbroplz:
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