Gender: Female
Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
Family: Rainbow Dash (Sire), Saffron Marsala (Dam), Coriander Cumin (Maternal Grandfather)
Personality: A very skittish mare with a lot on her mind, she’s very open minded and willing to try new things because of the cultures involved in her life but she’s also very anxiety ridden and insecure. She never met her Sire but being that she was one the famous elements of harmony its pretty difficult to avoid learning about her. After all, she was the reason the element of loyalty threw away her life, her magic, her…embodying element. Pretty hard not to get a complex from all that. She tries not to let it get to her much, she has ponies still in her life who love and care about her. So she won’t let them down.
Special Talent: Assistant to Princess Luna