Rainbow and Applejack’s youngest child and Tank’s best buddy. Cider Splash a performer at heart, he’s a innate dancer and plays multiple instruments very decently, he’s the loudest of the bunch in every way and talks everyone’s ears off (some conversations can also turn into musical numbers for no apparent reason). He’s the most headstrong and stubborn out of the three, so he’ll almost always get really deep into a project (or anything, really) when he sets his mind in it. He has blessed hoofs like AJ and is by far the one who ends up helping with the applebucking stuff the most, though he has a natural charm with the farm animals and prefers playing with them (his love for animal plushies wasn’t taken for granted). He also indulges in cooking (mostly by Big Sugar’s influence). Cider was always jealous of his sibling’s ability to fly, so RD tries to compensate by taking him for a ride every once in a while and making sure he’s the first one to get Wonderbolts tickets whenever they perform.
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