Janus “Bluejay” Starstepper
-lawful good; very introverted
-possible the largest pony in recent history
-extremely shy, and wary of others
-avid reader and writer; deep thinking pony
-has no desire to be a prince
-has mysterious powers including premonition and viewing into other realities; he feels connected with the night and winter season
-highly logical; excellent mathematician
-has difficulty understanding others; reading facial expressions or reactions confuses him at times
-recluses himself in his study; missed his own coronation because he was engrossed in a book about deep sea fish
-easily disoriented, does not feel connected with what’s around him at times
-does not know who his father was; although he has some idea of being related to Wendigos
-has a very close relationship with his parents; Janus was a child with a lot of needs, and so earned the attention of both Luna and his adoptive father Nightingale
-no one may touch him
-loves animals, fears children
-loves Flurry Heart; he likes to kiss her nose, but anything else is out of the question
-creatively bankrupt; but is excellent at ballet thanks to Flurry
Princess Flurry Heart
-lawful good; extroverted
-a good Princess devoted to duty; I liken her to Nausicaä
-has always been bulky with a thick, curly coat
-she seems to have an attachment to the sun; more specifically bringing forth the summer season
-really admires her parents and works hard to rule the Crystal Empire
-immortal, just like Janus
-cannot cook for the life of her
-really into sci-fi and comic books thanks to her father, who also taught her sword-fighting
-tackles a myriad of skills; ballet, fencing, flugelhorn-playing, speech and debate, chess, etc
-adores her cousin Ipo
-used to be very close with Fluttershy, Larkspur, Brick and Bastion, but her training called her away from the rest of her friends and family
-definitely loves Janus, although she is not sure in what way
I’m not sure what Flurry Heart’s cutie mark ought to be. I love the idea of her being connected with the Crystal Heart, and so has the ability to turn winter into summer. I don’t want Janus and Flurry to be basically Celestia and Luna clones, so I prefer to align them with the themes of winter versus summer. I also want to avoid making Flurry too…good? She need some flaws. I’m thinking she is very impatient and bratty at times; she is a princess after all who has had enormous privileges given to her. I’ll think about this! In the mean time, I’d love to hear your thoughts on Flurry Heart! Or Janus!