I’ll just copy paste their description from the first artwork down below:
Zap Apple
Rainbow and Applejack’s first-born child and Lil’ Cheese’s best mate. Zap is a daydreamer and has a gentle soul, he’s that one ripped nerd that likes writing and drawing things just for the sake of it. Exploring and discovering new things and places is what really makes his eyes glow (history and geography hoe), so he can be usually seen carrying his saddlebag around all the time (you never know when you’re gonna need sketching and exploring supplies). Zap also loves puzzles and is a huge fanboy of Daring Do Books like Dash (and adventure books in general. AJ swears it’s because Rainbow used to read so many Daring Doo adventures to her belly when she was pregnant). While he can be smart, he tends to over-thinks things, Zap has a wide imagination and is easily one of the most compassionate ponies around, though he used to be easily coaxed into fights or manipulated by his feelings. Like a good apple family member, the boy loves farm life and has a strong fraternal instinct, but his nature just doesn’t allow him to settle there, though he still finds some peace whenever he’s back in the environment he grew up in.
Random facts: